Monday, September 30, 2019

Boldwood’s Christmas party Essay

Bathsheba Everdene is the main character in a Thomas Hardy novel called â€Å"Far From the Madding Crowd†. Which is set in Wessex. Bathsheba’s character is along with many other things decisive, brisk, vain, businesslike, and independent. However you see her evolve throughout the book, mainly as a result of her marriage to Frank Troy. At the beginning of the story Hardy seems to focus on her bad qualities, though you still see people wishing to be married to her. Some good qualities are shown as well like her thoughtful response to save Gabriel’s life. Her first fault is vanity. This trait is mentioned in chapter one, almost everything else follows on from this. Vanity affects the way she behaves in a powerful way. Her vanity makes her annoyed and angry at not attracting Boldwood’s attention. When she meets Frank Troy he plays up to her vanity by paying her compliments and showing her flirtatious affection. By the end of the story she shows that she has grown out of or overcome her vanity. Instead of wanting to stand out and have everyone looking at her, at Boldwood’s Christmas party, she dresses down and wants to merge into the background. You can also see she is not vain because when Boldwood praises her beauty the comments have no effect. Her life experiences have caused this change in her. The main life experience is her marriage to Frank Troy which affected her the most. She transforms from a confident character to a submissive and introverted figure she becomes less and less like her usual self. The first sign you see of independence is fairly near the beginning in chapter three, when we see her riding the horse. Instead of doing it the conventional ladylike way we see her lie flat on her back on top of the horse’s back. This could be showing her independence and unconventional behaviour, this would tie in with an independent spirit â€Å"too wild†. She likes to have independence so later on in the story when this is taken away from her we see her rely on Gabriel Oak. She always had her own independence, but when she got married she lost that independence and we see her seek advice and help from Gabriel Oak. At one point in the story she rejects Gabriel’s advice, but later on in chapter fifty four she asks for it. This shows a big change in her personality. She once would have done her own thing and maybe even sacked Gabriel for his ‘advice’ whereas she now values both him and his opinion. Her independence continues to be shown throughout the rest if the story, even after her marriage to Frank Troy. Independence along with confidence is showed when she goes to the corn market and is the only woman there. Another characteristic shown is confidence with businesslike skills. An example of this would be when she takes it upon herself to sack her bailiff. â€Å"I have formed a resolution to have no bailiff at all†. Bathsheba’s confidence continues to be shown with her decision to pay the workers herself in chapter ten. Bathsheba has a lot of confidence in herself. â€Å"In short I shall astonish you all†. This is said shortly after her decision to have no bailiff when she is convincing the staff that she can manage. The speech shows her self-confidence shining and her belief in her own ability. Towards the end of the novel we see her find an even balance between the overconfidence which she showed through the beginning of the novel which made her appear full of herself, compared with when she had little or no confidence and relied on Frank Troy, to finally become a person who can cope on her own but realises she cannot do everything to the best of her ability without assistance. Before we see her lose her self confidence she shows she believes in herself by going to the Corn Market, making her the only woman present. One thing bothers Bathsheba; the fact that Boldwood is the only person who does not take notice of her. This lack of attention shows us how she craves to be the centre of attention; you could even go as far as calling her an attention seeker. She will do silly antics in an attempt to attract people’s attention. For example the Valentine’s Day card. Bathsheba tries to make herself popular with everyone especially men; this seems to be her biggest desire. In chapter thirteen she mischievously sends a Valentine card to Boldwood to attract his attention. This starts Bathsheba’s change. She wants people to notice her and does not sit around waiting she takes action for herself. The sending of the Valentines card shows her vain characteristic. A big characteristic she shows throughout is impulsiveness, she does things without thinking. The Valentine’s Day card is an example of this; another example of this earlier in the book is when she chases Gabriel Oak after he had been wrongly informed that many men wanted her hand in marriage; though she did not want to accept his proposal. She did not think that her actions would show this until after the conversation her and Gabriel had. Many of her actions are on impulse she doesn’t think things through first. Later on however she takes time to think about Fanny’s grave and she decides to clean it up and replant the bulbs on it. This also shows she can be selfless. When Gabriel gives her advice early in the novel she decides she doesn’t like what he has to say. She sacks him whilst she was angry and acting highly impulsively. This demonstrates how she doesn’t want to face the truth even though she values his opinion; later in the novel after the â€Å"drowning† of Frank Troy she relents asking him for his thoughts.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Guns on Campus

Guns on College Campus Should guns be allowed on college campus? Kenton L. McGowen Abstract This paper will determine whether guns have a place on college, and school campuses. The conclusion that the paper reaches is that students who have guns will be tempted to use them, especially at universities and colleges that are full of drug use, stress, and anxiety. The mixture of guns into a formula like that is simply not conducive to a safe environment.This paper will take evidence from experts, as well as state rulings to show the two sides of gun control in regards to school campuses in order to answer the question: Should guns be allowed on college campuses? The constitution of the United States guarantees our right to bear arms in order to defend ourselves, but where does the line fall where it is ok and not okay to carry weapons? The debate has shifted from restaurants, to stores, and now to schools.It is recently that the question has come up, should college campus students be all owed to have guns? The question is a safety issue and mostly centers around a need for the preservation of life on these campuses, and whether or not the guns are absolutely necessary to have. It has been spurred on by the recent slew of school shootings that have hit areas of the country, most notably Virginia Tech in 2006. There are valid argumentative points to both sides, however.As previously mentioned, the constitution of the United States guarantees the right to bear arms and also that no laws should be made abridging that freedom, so while some cry for safety and moderation, others simply say that it is unlawful to prevent guns from being anywhere at any time. Of course, it is unlawful as well to murder with those guns, and the penalties tied to that are seen as a deterrent in themselves to gun violence. The crimes committed with guns are already a violation of gun laws in themselves, so it is beneficial, in some thought to carry guns on campus to protect and deter against s uch crime.This is especially true when you consider the amount of school shootings that occur on campus’s in modern times. That is where the question stems from in the first place. It is, however, conducive to gun violence to have guns around. Many of liberally biased media and their followers argue that guns have no place on college campuses. They dispute that these campuses are meant to be institutions of higher learning and not places to harbor fears of being shot by someone.Someone who is going to commit a crime with a gun has no respect for gun laws to begin with (which say that you cannot commit a crime with a gun and therefore we cannot expect them to abide by societal norms and not commit crimes with guns). This is especially true on college campuses because campuses are meant to be learning institutes and thus guns do not have a place in them or are a necessity at them. Also, it is my opinion that fighting crime should not be dealt with by the average citizen and tha t that is why we have police that we pay taxes for.The citizens should not have to engage in a shootout, when there are trained policemen to deal with that issue and that should be utilized in such situations. Society does not need to take it upon them to deal with a deranged minority, and should have their tax dollars utilized to do so, as it should be. Also, when you consider the low amount of shootings that do occur at schools nationally, it almost comes off as illogical to allow gun carry to happen on campuses when the need for them is miniscule.An entire policy shift is not needed to deal with a deranged minority, but in order is a possible restructuring of policy to make campuses less vulnerable to the possibility of an attack occurring. Alternatives exist to controlling gun violence that does not include allowing a completely armed society or student body to deal with it. A completely new policy is not what is needed to stop gun violence from occurring on campus’s, but a strengthening of the old policies is definitely needed in order to prevent future attacks on student bodies, as we’ve seen in recent years.Gun Massacres do have an end to them but the steps to end them must be taken before we can say that we will have come close to eradicating the problems that cause gun violence to occur in the first place. Perhaps new policy could include keeping police stationed at strategic points on campus to better respond to threats right when they are called in, or arming security guards better, or perhaps doing random gun sweeps to make sure that no guns are on campus. These things would be more effective than arming, or allowing, an entire student body that could use he guns for anything. However, those opposed may see this as an infringement against gun rights, as Colorado found it recently to be in violation of state law. There is no evidence that says a well armed society is a polite society sans a quote popular amongst right wingers, and in t his case it makes no sense to arm a society that would possibly not react in the way that is foreseen, especially if the consequences could be a lot worse than is intended. On the contrary, schools are generally safe areas, as evidenced by the isolated incidents of school shootings. Rubino, 2012) When the sheer number of schools in the United States is brought into account, and how few gun violence incidents there are, it makes sense not to arm a student body against a threat that likely will never occur within 50 miles of them, an overwhelming likeliness. A gun free campus is preferred to one with an abundance of guns and an atmosphere of paranoia that would follow suit in the case of it. The absence of guns on a school campus, or university campus would generally render a safer atmosphere, as well as one bereft of paranoia and anxiety from those who so choose not to carry guns with them.Additionally, forcing guns into places where drinking and drug use is common may increase victi ms to gun violence, as alcohol impairs judgment and may not be the safest thing to have weapons around. (Brady Campaign, 2012) The policy that protects students should be changed, but as far as allowing guns to be everywhere, it may be too much to ask that an army of students be at the disposal of a school that likely will never in its existence see an incident in which guns are used against the student boy from a deranged lunatic bent on absolute chaos on the campus.Proponents of gun laws for schools that would allow open carry to be an acceptable practice on school campuses cite that schools violate state laws, in some cases, when they do not allow students or faculty to concealed carry while on campus’s. This was the reason for the decision from the state of Colorado recently to allow guns to be carried by students and faculty on campuses, as long as they have a concealed weapons license.The law previously did not extend to the University of Colorado, and the court recentl y ruled that it is unlawful that it does not. (Coffman, 2012) That raises the question of whether guns should be allowed on campuses in every state with laws allowing for concealed carry practices. Is it unlawful to deny those the right with a concealed weapon license to be able to carry guns on campus’s, regardless of their intention? It seems that the law could have some holes in it, notably it would if the licenses to concealed carry were not checked.If concealed carry became a norm, how would anyone be able to tell the difference between those with a concealed weapon license and those without who brought the guns to commit less than noble acts upon a student body or a faculty member? The line easily could be blurred between who is there with honest intentions and who is there without. It could be, due to open concealed carry on campus’s, that one would be ‘undercover’ through a norm of concealment, in which they too brought a concealed weapon and it wa s not thought anything of due to others around having concealed weapons.In this scenario, no one would question the legality of the weapon and it would then become a matter of guessing who was there with a license and who was not. This kind of guessing game is dangerous, and if weapons were forbidden on campus’s, or only allowed to faculty members, it would then be easier for law enforcement, the student body, and faculty to determine who was there with the wrong intentions. All they would need to do would be to look for the gun. School shootings have been in the news in recent times, especially the massacre at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Virginia Tech) which claimed over 30 lives.The question was raised â€Å"should students be allowed to have guns in order to prevent attacks like this from happening? † some said that if someone would have been armed that the attacker would have been subdued and many lives would have been saved. The argument is made, essentially, that a well armed society would be able to engage in a shootout on an attacker that was committing gun violence and that it may deter the attack from happening in the first place.Recently, 13 states are considering legislation that is aimed at creating concealed carry laws on college campuses. (Smalley, 2008) As of current, Arizona is trying to pass a bill to allow concealed carry on campuses, and Utah is the only one that does allow. (Edwards, 2011) This may not be entirely true, however, as someone committed to gun violence is going to commit the act anyway, and lives will still be lost. As a college student, the thought of someone going crazy with a gun is scary to me and is something that I worry about from time to time.It is naive to think that there are no guns on college campus’s right now, and their legalization may just give law enforcement one less thing to worry about so they can focus on who is a threat with weapons and who is not. Additionally, school shootings h ave been stopped before due to teachers carrying guns, and it may be useful to allow them to continue to do so. (Hanford, 2008) However, as was pointed out earlier, it does not necessarily mean that everyone should have a gun.A college or university is meant to be a place of learning and it is no place for guns to be had at by the students, unless their intention is to cause problems with them. What is the point of having guns there, anyway? To me, it makes no sense to have one on a college campus and any reason that one would have one besides being law enforcement is completely invalid. As was stated earlier, if guns were banned on campuses across the country, it would be easy to determine who was there with the intention to act as an assailant against a student body, and who was not.A good balance between these though may be allowing staff members to have one in the classroom just in case a Virginia tech incident were to occur again, but arming the student population is not necess ary at this time nor will it accomplish anything that would see fruitful results for a country with a relatively low amount of school shootings when compared with the amount of schools there are in the country. It will lead to more gun violence and make the campus’s a much less safe place than it was before the days of students being allowed to have guns on them freely.In conclusion, guns have no place in the school environment and there are plenty of opportunities to defend students before another disaster strikes the campus’s like happened at Virginia tech or other schools in the past. The alternatives that exist are possibly arming the staff which would make campuses safer by acting as a deterrent to any armed attacks that might occur, but a learning facility is just that, for learning, and it should not incorporate the allowed carry or use of guns on them.A school should remain a school, and it should not be a place that others fear getting shot at or being attacke d, and if guns are allowed then the likelihood just goes up for that kind of senseless attack to occur on a campus, so it is in the best interest of everyone if guns are not allowed on campus’s. Though it is an abridgement of the second amendment, sometimes things must be abridged in order to achieve safety for all. Personally, I feel rights should sometimes be subverted in the interest of public safety.The benefits of allowing guns on university campus’s are only that of stopping a potential attack, but those come up only once in a blue moon and entire policy should not be changed to accommodate it. The debate will always rage, as long as the constitution says that gun rights extend to everyone. There will never be a final solution to this problem, but the track record of safety for schools so far must be taken into account and for the most part they are safe. Whole new policy is not needed, but an understanding that sometimes shooters fall through the cracks.It is an understanding of humanity and its side effects of existing that will plague us for as long as the species of humans is around. Humans are by no means perfect, and neither will their shooting track records, but human life is invaluable and a restructuring of policy to better protect it is something that could be in order very soon. Works Cited Coffman, Keith. â€Å"Colorado court says students can carry guns on campus. † Reuters. Reuters News Agency, 5 Mar. 2012. Web. 5 Mar. 2012. . Edwards, D. (2008, January 17). After Tucson shootings, Ariz.Republicans push for guns on school campuses | The Raw Story. The Raw Story | America's #1 completely independent news and politics source. Retrieved February 29, 2012, from http://www. rawstory. com/rs/2011/01/17/shootings-ariz-republicans-guns-school-campuses/ Hanford, D. J. (n. d. ). Does Concealed Carry Make Sense In Schools And On Campus? – Facilities Management Educational Facilities Feature. Facilities Management Cost-Savin g Ideas, Jobs, Experts, Technologies, Products, Articles, News, Education and more for Industry Professionals.Retrieved February 29, 2012, from http://www. facilitiesnet. com/educationalfacilities/article/Does-Concealed-Carry-Make-Sense-In-Schools-And-On-Campus–10070 Rubino, T. (2012, February 19). Should guns be allowed on school campuses? – CBS 5 – KPHO . CBS 5 – KPHO – CBS 5 AZ KPHO | Phoenix, Arizona, breaking news, weather,channel. Retrieved February 29, 2012, from http://www. kpho. com/story/16955378/should-guns-be-allowed-on-school-campuses Smalley, S. (2008, February 14). More Guns on Campus? The Daily Beast. The Daily Beast. Retrieved February 29, 2012, from http://www. thedailybeast. com/newsweek/2008/02/14/more-guns-on-campus. html Woods, J. (2011, March 27). Allowing guns on campus won't make schools safer – Houston Chronicle. Houston News, Sports, Business, and Entertainment – The Houston Chronicle at Chron. com – Houston Chronicle. Retrieved February 29, 2012, from http://www. chron. com/opinion/outlook/article/Allowing-guns-on-campus-won-t-make-schools-safer-1690745. php Guns on Campus It is obvious all across America that I can handgun is by far one of the most deadly weapons out there. It is also obvious that a high percent of college students have a drug and or alcohol problem and every student is exposed to both. What happens when you combine both of them? Violence is what happens. We have organizations of uneducated students and adults, such as the SCCC (Students for concealed carry on Campus), that are ignorant because they believe a handgun will make them more safe. However, they are very mistaken.The fact of the matter is a gun can’t save somebody from another gun. People argue that in situations such as 2007 Virginia Tech a student could have taken the shooters out. However, that is not the case. The shooters were taken the first step. They already had their weapons drawn and would have took out anyone out in their way. In most cases if a student is armed they will take them out first. This isn’t even accounting for students and or faculty th at could get hit in the crossfire. We can’t turn a school into a battlefield.College students are associated with drugs and alcohol. That is a fact. All of a sudden you allow guns on campus and you have students taking them to parties and wielding them while under the influence. Even good Samaritans get impaired while using any substance. Not only does this put students and faculty in danger but it puts police and security units in danger as well. Above all, society is in danger. There are children and families that live within the community that don’t need drunk and high students running around with weapons.Intimidation: Is another reason why handguns shouldn’t be allowed in the school area. Imagine being in a teacher shoes and having a student who you heard or seen carry a firearm to your classroom. What if you have a fear of handguns? Would you be compelled to give him a better grade out of fear? Would you be scared to confront him? We need to take account fo r all the people who get involved for one person bring a gun to school and the people involved is everyone. Imagine being another student and having to sit next to a student who is known to be carrying or you have even seen carrying.Possibly you have the same fear as the teacher scenario. This kind of situation needs government intervention for the physical and mental protection of others. Another key fact is that the college scenario is big for racial violence and gang violence environment. Also, that is immaturity related. Our country already has enough racial and gang related violence that we don’t need to influence in the college environment. In the big picture allowing concealed weapons on campus will increase violence

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Gender and Sex Worksheet Essay

What is gender? What is sex in biological terms? Are gender and sex the same thing? Explain why or why not? Gender is your social configuration of male or female. In biological terms sex is your male or female parts and pyscial features. Sometimes gender and sex are not the same because there are so people that feel differently about who they are want to be so they have surgeries to change or alter their biological parts. How do gender and sex contribute to the concepts and constructions of masculinity and femininity? Gender and sex contribute to the concepts and constructions of masculinity and femininity because masculinity is the properties characteristic of the male sex, and feminity is the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women. Typical meaning traditionally speaking. Do our concepts of gender and sex contribute to the ways we embrace gender and sex in diversity? Yes, I think that our concepts of gender and sex contribute to the ways we embrace gender and sex in diversity. Knowledge is power and I feel a lot of people for whatever reason whether because of ignorance or stereotyping etc†¦. People define the concepts of gender and sex inaccurately. Do our concepts of gender and sex contribute to our understanding of sexual orientation? Explain. Yes, I feel that for the last couple years this has been first a very sensitive topic and then and new and confusing topic as well. The lines seem to be blurring when it comes to what people want sometimes and how they feel. It use to be just male and female but now the 2 concepts are crossing cause a lot of people confusion because what they are for example males feeling feminine or females feeling more masculine.

Friday, September 27, 2019

IT Security & Sarbanes-Oxley Act Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

IT Security & Sarbanes-Oxley Act - Term Paper Example Because of the original intention and the mandate of the Act, financial accuracy must be certified by the management concerned. Because of the provisions of the Same Act, the penalties for financial fraud have been made more severe. Similarly, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 strengthened the autonomy of external auditors who analyze and reexamine the accuracy of corporate statements of accounts and also bolstered the oversight function of the board of directors. Simon, Smalley, and Schultz (2009) divulge that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 comes against the backdrop of serious corporate and accounting scandals such as the Enron, Adelphia, Tyco International, WorldCom and Peregrine Systems Scandals. These scandals had cost investors billions of dollars, following the collapse of the affected companies share prices. These scandals, together with their serious effects weakened public confidence in Americas security markets. The Act comprises 11 sections which range from criminal penalties to additional corporate board responsibilities. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 demands that the Securities and Exchange Commission implements rulings on prerequisites to compliance with the law. One of the ways the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 effects and constraints IT security section 404 compliance is by emphasizing a comprehensive understanding of internal controls, as a set of an enterprise's internal procedures, providing reasonable assurances that the enterprise will meet its target in all the specified areas. This is the case since Section 404 Compliance extends emphasis on not just historical financial reporting, but on internal controls also. Together with the rules spelled out in the SEC, there is a requirement that public companies' management should assess and report periodically, on the effectiveness of internal controls on financial reporting.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Analyzing Cross-sectional Data and Correlation and Regression Essay

Analyzing Cross-sectional Data and Correlation and Regression - Essay Example All this ratings indicated the level of customer satisfaction regarding our services. The rating according to our instructors indicated that out of 100 hundred participants 12 rated the services as bad, 35 of them rated the services as neither bad or good, 39 rated the services as good and only 14 of them rated our services as very good, the majority therefore rated our services good. This can be graphically represented as follows As graphically shown the mode is good, the graph is negatively skewed or skewed to the left meaning that the majority of the outcomes or observations are on the left of the graph, another notable observation is that none of the participants rated our instructors as very bad. Our services were also rated through the quality of equipments used, out of 100 participants 6 of them rated the quality of equipments as very bad, 25 of them rated the equipments as bad, 33 of them rated the equipments as neither bad nor good, 27 of them rated the equipments as good and only 9 rated the equipments as very good. Therefore the mode or the majority of the participants did not rate our services as bad or good regarding the quality of equipments, the mean of this observation was 3.08 and the standard error was 0.106059, the median and the mode were both 3, the results can be graphically represented as follows: According to the participants our services were also rated according to the range of facilities av... Therefore the mode or the majority of the participants did not rate our services as bad or good regarding the quality of equipments, the mean of this observation was 3.08 and the standard error was 0.106059, the median and the mode were both 3, the results can be graphically represented as follows: quality of any equipment used Frequency Very bad 6 Bad 25 Neither bad nor good 33 Good 27 Very Good 9 0 We can construct a 95% confidence interval as follows P(X - T Sx X + T Sx) = 95% P ((3.08 - 0.172572 (0.106059)) (3.08 + 0.172572(0.106059)) = 95% P ((3.0617) (3.183)) = 95% According to the participants our services were also rated according to the range of facilities available, out of 100 participants only one rated the range of facilities available as very bad, 6 rated the facilities as bad, 20 as neither good or bad and 38 rated the facilities as good, the rest rated them as very good. Therefore according to the rating of the range of facilities we offer, 73 participants rated them as good or very good. This is graphically shown below: The range of facilities available Frequency Very bad 1 Bad 6 Neither bad nor good 20 Good 38 Very Good 35 The mean was 4 and this shows that the average rated the range of equipments available as good; the mode was 4 which indicate that the majority of the participants rated the equipments as good. In the case where the mode, the median and mean are equal, the distribution assumes an asymmetric or bell shape where both deviations from the mean are identical, the negative value of skew ness indicates that the distribution is skewed to the left, the standard error of this observation was 0.094281 and

Cross Listing Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cross Listing - Literature review Example Cross Listing The researcher will take the help of the research work of previous research scholars in order to shed light on the topic. 1.2 Definition of Cross Listing Karolyi (2012) defined cross-listing or â€Å"dual-listing’ as the strategic measure taken by companies to list its equities in exchange of foreign countries and the process may or may not involve secondary or initial capital rising. The scholar has also pointed out that cross-listing involves customization or changing the disclosure measure, transparency, corporate governance requirement in accordance with nature of the business environment of the foreign country where equities are going to be listed. Jian et al. (2011) also pointed out that cross-listing is basically a strategic choice rather being a mere accounting trick performed by top level management of the firm to internationalize its business without involving any traditional international expansion policy such as merger & acquisition, exporting, licensing etc. In s uch context, Karolyi (2012) and Jian et al. (2011) agreed with the fact that cross-listing requires involvement of multiple capital market participants such as accountants, investment banks, custodian agency which undertakes clearance and settlement activities, strategic advisors etc. Hence it can be assumed that cross-listing is a lengthy and complex process. ... like getting access to a larger market, attracting cash rich investors, greater diversification of ownership base, opening door for liquid trading can influence a firm to go for cross listing. However, careful analysis of the research work of O’Connor (2009) shows that it is very difficult to assign one reason which might influence firms to go for cross listing. O’Connor (2009) has pointed out that nature disclosure in cross-sectional setting can even influence cross-listing decision. In such context, the study will shed light on empirical reasons behind cross listing with help of previous research work of research scholars. 1.3 Reasons for Cross Listing Cross-listing is one of the hotly debated topics among research scholars and identifying exact reason behind cross listing is a long debated issue among research scholars. Charitou et al. (2008) identified the fact that none of the research scholars have ever tried to understand the motivation behind cross- listing from managerial perspective. Charitou et al. (2008) argued that executives go for cross-listing in order to get higher equity based compensation. Hence, it can be assumed that listing equity of a firm in exchange of foreign markets is strategic decision which is taken by executives in order to fulfill the interest of shareholders. Listing equities in foreign exchange attracts foreign investors to invest money on the shares of the company and as a result of the investment of foreign investors, the firm gets able to provide better return to shareholders and subsequently board executives also get higher equity based compensation. Dodd (2013) pointed out that cross-listing helps firms to overcome the market segmentation, limitation of attracting investors and improvement of stock liquidity but these factors

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wisdom Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wisdom Paper - Essay Example I consider my grandmother wise because she conforms to the definition of wisdom that I believe in and have discussed above. She has spent a whole lifetime during which she has seen a lot of highs and lows. She has been through a lot of enlightening and tough experiences and challenges, all of which have added to her knowledge of the best ways to deal with them, and so she has become more learned and wiser as she has aged. Perhaps it can be said for all elderly people, but some people do not learn from their mistakes, so they cannot be considered wise even if they are old. I am sure my grandmother is not included in that category. While I have had a lot of opportunities to learn from my grandmother, I have not been quite as lucky to learn from Martin Luther King Jr. as he had died several years before I had born. However, having read his biographies, and the books and articles written about him, I have learnt a lot of qualities and philosophies of Martin Luther King Jr. that were described in them. Obviously, learning from a living person is a much different and better experience than learning from the second-hand accounts about a person who has passed away. Since my childhood, spending at least half an hour a day solely with my grandmother whenever she is at my home has been my habit. Whenever we are together, I ask her questions about her life, and her experiences, and tend to understand her thoughts, philosophies, and opinions about all kinds of issues. These experiences have been extremely informative, spiritually rejuvenating, and enlightening for me. I think that wisdom and learning are interrelated terms in that wisdom is enhanced by learning, but the two terms cannot be used interchangeably since they differ in their meanings. Wisdom is in-born. It is the sense to distinguish between the right and the wrong. Learning, on the other hand, is knowledge that is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

London Eye, Capacity Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

London Eye, Capacity Management - Coursework Example The recommendations include the use of advanced technology and people process strategies. The people process strategy explores the factors that lead to the customer decline in the company, while the technological strategy focus on the renewal of the company’s aircraft fleet, thus improving the customers’ experience (Johnson, 2006). British Airways London eye is the largest airline in the UK; the company offers scheduled services together with domestic and international freight and mail carriage, as well as ancillary services. The airline operates in 300 destinations and more with 33 million passengers; it earns more than 8.7 billion pounds, and in 2008, the employees were 42,377 people The (Economic Times, 2008). The company has continued to expand because of the increasing competition in the market, the company I also involved in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The company has gown down following the global economic downturn, however, the company still has a future, and its future depends on the company’s strategic plan to achieve the company’s goal. Current position Currently BA London eye has focused on upgrading customer experience through text and mobile phone services; this is meant for business class customer. The air craft has also being modernized; the air craft services and other offers are being modernized. The company is also working hard to manage its cost base and increasing its corporate responsibility; the company plans to achieve this through partnership and engaging in environmental performance. External analysis of BA London eye Like any other company, London eye should understand its external environment, which include political environment, the company is under heavy regulations, and there is also a problem of security following terrorist threats in the past. London eye has to comply to heavy regulations for it to continue operating in the airline industry, and to take care of the issue of security, th e company should put sufficient security measures to ensure competitiveness and earn consumer confidence. The global economic crisis also affects the growth of the company, and this makes the pound be weaker against the Euro. The company should respond to this crisis by reducing business travel and using other means of communication, which include teleconferencing; this is because UK has a poor exchange rate. The company has also been affected by oil prices; fluctuations in the prices affect the exchange rate, which directly affect the company’s cost base. There has been intense competition, which has affected the demand for London eye; before 2008, the company experienced a decline in consumer spending, which affected its revenues. Social factors also contributed to the decline of the British Airways London Eye, UK’s population consists mostly of aging people, and this group of people does not travel for leisure especially internationally. Another social factor is une mployment, the employer increased the bargaining power, and this left many people unemployed; people who are unemployed are not able to travel for leisure. Technology has also contributed to the decline in the British Airways London eye, according to the recently conducted survey, 34% of online consumers are planning to use more of price comparison sites, this means that they have stepped up their awareness. Therefore, it is up to London eye to step up its bargaining power to avoid losing its

Monday, September 23, 2019

Public Relations Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Public Relations Assignment - Essay Example 52). Such is when animals are held in captive in certain zoos, amusement parks and marine parks, where they are incapacitated to act to their abilities. The utilization of animals in these has raised public relations issues alongside animal issues that address the compliance and respect of animal rights. In relation to the definition of public relations, holding animals in captivity is against the will of the public by not promoting intentions of animal good will, but instead of human good will. Legal, moral and ethical issues are not negotiated while considering animal rights implications to the animals. Animal health and welfare are never the concern of the authority in charge of animal captivity, but instead the purposes of human entertainment and monetary benefits are the main prioritization of the authority. This is from the depiction of animals as â€Å"collections† whereby animal captivity does not replicate wild habitual traits of the animals. These restricted traits, involve running, choosing partners, roaming and the ability to choose prey or other food. Animals in captivity (zoos, marine parks or amusement parks) are left to get bored and lonely while under strict surveillance of their lives of the authority.1 In relation to public relations, there are certain interest groups, referred to as publics that are concerned with the depiction of lack of ensuring public relations and animal ethics to animals held in captivity. Among the publics related to these issues are the media, special interest groups, especially environmental groups, international community, the government, the academia fraternity and the industry stakeholders (Christine. 11). These six publics have their own perspectives about PR in animal captivity by the mode in which they communicate the awareness of the issues, involvement in saving the animals and their communication strategies in ensuring that current societal issues of animal rights are addressed. 2 The implication of t he disrespect of animal ethics is not only an issue of the authorities in charge of the captives (zoos, parks) but also affects the general audience to whom these parks are established. Affiliated to the tourism industry, ethical concerns affecting animal behavior and handling inculcate socio-cultural and environmental impacts. The systematic determination and lack of ethics of holding up animals denies them the right to freedom, treatment with respect and aims towards achieving human good and animal wrong(Stephen. 4). Among the various ethical issues posed by holding animals in captivity, include conflict of interest, dissemination of improper picture and information to the public and the media and legislation.3 The media is one of the parties which are highly interested with the analysis of public relations of animals and human interaction. It has played a major role in trying to condemn the inhumane behaviour thus protecting the animal rights. The media keeps track of the odds th at go around the human and animal environment. Animals need to be protected thus the media has taken the duty to ensure that all animal rights are followed. In this case, it has taken the role of exposing the inhumane behaviour to the public as well as educating people on how to co-exist with animals in the ecosystem. Specific interest groups such as private sectors have joint other

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Distinction Between Man and Machine Essay Example for Free

The Distinction Between Man and Machine Essay The comparison between man and machine has always been controversial, whether in area of work or entertainment. A common question, How different are they from us? We would used to say looks, movements and thoughts are what would differentiate us from them. As technology advances, such differences are less likely to exist, further blurring the distinction between them and man. However, no matter how machines become exact replica of man, it always lack that human touch that we possess. Overall, I would agree that the distinction between man and machine is being blurred. Some would argue that man naturally would have the creativity and innovation, which machines would not have. It is indeed true that man do possess such creativity, but creativity needs to be expressed to be visible, and not all are able to do so. In fact, most would follow orders from their bosses and finish their work in a systematic manner, which is similar to the way machines function. In addition, some would add on that machines lack the human touch that humans have, which include feelings like love, compassion and empathy. Although it is true that machines do not have such feelings, it is not necessarily true that we humans possess such feelings. In the past, no doubt we are more compassionate and sympathetic. However, with the increase in pace of society and the advent of smart gadgets, man not only work longer hours, but also become cold and unfeeling to others. Their breaks during working hours become maintenance and repair for machines. Their faces that used be cheery and happy has become emotionless, making them no different from machines. Moreover, shootings and killings at Sandy Hook would not have occurred if man had feelings for others. Thus, not fully embracing the use of creativity and being indifferent to others has blurred the distinction between man and machine. I would agree that the distinction between man and machine is being blurred because it is indeed true that machines can pass off as a human as long as it is able to project a human image. With such ability to do so, people would tend to forget the distinction between them. Hatsune Miku, a famous holographic pop star in Japan is an example. Her image or hologram is generated by a machine. Although she may be fake, she has managed to gain many fans. Fans who would literally fill up her music concerts, and fans who would craze wildly after her as she sings, as though she is real. Another example would be chatbots. Chatbots are machines that have been programmed to communicate with new members of their websites to make them feel more welcomed. They can literally pass off as real humans with a human-like profile picture because the way they are programmed to communicate with the other party is exactly like a human. Hence, the distinction between man and machine has not been as clear as before. I would agree that the distinction between man and machine is not clear because machines start to play a part in mans life and at times, remain unnoticeable. In the medical industry, artificial limbs have been implanted into people who have lost their legs during war or in an accident to help them walk again. Pacemakers are also a form of machinery that is commonly used in the medical industry to control abnormal heart rhythms and enable him to resume an active lifestyle. In addition, a team from Harvard University has also created what it calls cyborg tissue, which is half-man, half-machine. All these blur the distinction between man and machine because a man with mechanic body parts can be considered either a man because of his feelings, or a machine because of its mechanic body parts.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

E Commerce And The Importance Of Encryption Computer Science Essay

E Commerce And The Importance Of Encryption Computer Science Essay Web-commerce has grown into one of the fastest-growing area of industry in the past two years. Billions of dollars have passed hands in the process and each entrepreneur wants a slice of the dough. To make this possible, data encryption plays a very central role in ensuring customers that paying for anything online is secure. E-commerce relies on encryption to secure data transmission by controlling data access and protect information on the internet and in the end improve consumer confidence. Encryption is the encoding of data using an algorithm such that it is incomprehensible to anyone in the event that the data transmission is intercepted, unless the key is known to enable file decryption. By implementing encryption, integrity is maintained while digital authentication is enforced, thus, allowing both customers and sellers to verify the identity of the other party, a concept fundamental to secure online credit card transactions. The reliability of an e-commerce website may be negatively impacted if theft of customer information occurs, especially risky since 90% of all online payments are dealt by credit cards. 4. Important of Encryption Cryptography is a method of mathematically encoding used to transform messages in to an unreadable format in an effort to maintain confidentiality of data. Cryptography comprises a family of technologies that include the following: Encryption transforms data into some unreadable form to ensure privacy. Decryption is reverse of encryption; it transforms encrypted data back into original, intelligible form. Authentication identifies an entity such as an individual, a machine on the network or an organization. Digital signatures blind a document to the possessor of a particular key and are the digital equivalent of paper signatures. Signature verification is the inverse of a digital signature; it verifies that a particular signature is valid. Application In order to enable secure online transaction, data encryption plays four important functions: Digital authentication which allows both the customers and the merchant to be sure that they are dealing with whom, the other party claims to be. These is absolutely necessary before sending credit card details to the seller and also allow sellers to verify that the customer is the real owner of the credit card being used. Integrity ensures that the messages received re not changed during transmission by any third party. Non-repudiation prevents customers or merchants denying they ever received or sent a particular message or order. In the event that information is intercepted, encryption ensures privacy that prevents third parties from reading and or using the information to their own advantage. Two methods of encryption network traffic on the web are SSL and S-HTTP. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and its successor Transport Layer security (TLS) enable client and server computers to manage encryption and decryption activities as they communicate with each other during a secure web session. Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP) is another protocol used for encrypting data flowing over the internet, but it is limited to individual messages, whereas SSL and TLS are designed to establish a secure connection between two computers. The capability to generate secure sessions is built into Internet client browser software and servers, and occurs automatically with little user intervention. The client and the server negotiate what key and what level of security to use. Once a secure session is established between the client and the server, all messages in that session are encrypted. There are two alternative methods of encryption: symmetric key encryption and public key encryption. In symmetric key encryption, the sender and the receiver establish a secure Internet session by creating a single encryption key and sending it to the receiver so both the sender and receiver share the same key. The strength of the encryption key is measured by its nit length. Today a typical key will be 128 bits long (a string of 128 binary digits). The problem with all symmetric encryption schemes is that the key itself must be shared somehow among the senders and receivers, which exposes the key to outsiders who might just be able to intercept and decrypt the key, A more secure form of encryption called public key encryption uses two keys: one shared (or public) and one totally private, as shown in Figure. The keys are mathematically related so that data encrypted with one key can be decrypted using only the other key. To send and receive messages, communicators first create separate pairs of private and public keys. The public key is kept in a directory and the private key must be kept secret. The sender encrypts a message with the recipientà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s public key. On receiving the message the recipient uses his or her private key to decrypt it. Digital signatures and digital certificates further help with authentication. Benefits/Advantages Most corporations implement multiple forms of security by using hardware solutions such as routers and firewalls. These devices protect essential data by keeping external threats out of the network. Unfortunately, burglars will employ numerous attacks, specifically targeted at your information. When attackers find a way to enter your first line of defense, data encryption steps up and helps to ensure that your secrets cant be viewed. Encryption has changed significantly over the years, going from a military solution to widespread public use. Whether its hardware or software-based, this method is fast, easy to use and most important, secure. Here some of the key benefits this solution offers: Power: The best in data encryption is based on global standards, able to mitigate potential corruption without flaw. Many solutions are large enough to ensure that an entire organization is in full compliance with security policies. Data encryption allows a corporation to achieve military-level security with easy and affordable solutions. Flexibility: Data encryption can protect your sensitive information whether its stored on a desktop or laptop computer, a PDA, removable storage media, an email server or even the corporate network. This allows you to securely access important data from the office, on the road or at home. If the device is lost or stolen, the information will be protected by the data encryption mechanism. Transparency: It wouldnt be a good idea to employ any security measure that negatively impacts your business. An efficient data encryption solution enables your business to flow at a normal pace, silently securing crucial data in the background. Some of the best options are those running effectively without the user even being aware. There are many benefits of data encryption as this solution provides solid protection in the event of a security breach. Not only does it offer peace of mind, it also frees up resources normally used by your perimeter defenses. Every security measure you set in place is important yet inefficient if confidential data itself is not protected. Limitations Encryption is often oversold as the solution to all security problems or to threats that it does not address. Unfortunately, encryption offers no such protection. Encryption does nothing to protect against many common methods of attack including those that exploit bad default settings or vulnerabilities in network protocols or software even encryption software. In general, methods other than encryption are needed to keep out intruders. Secure Computing Corporations Sidewinder system defuses the forty-two bombs (security vulnerabilities) in Cheswick and Bellovins book, Firewalls and Network Security (Addison Wesley, 1994), without making use of any encryption. Conclusion

Friday, September 20, 2019

Abercrombie and Fitch Analysis

Abercrombie and Fitch Analysis 1. Introduction The following report explores the company Abercrombie Fitch within its US and UK market. Key external factors have been explored such as PEST, SWOT, TOWS and the companies competitors, as well as Porters Generic strategies and Ansoff Matrix. SMART Objectives have then been formulated considering all of the above factors and then a Strategic Plan, Implementation Measurement of each SMART Objective has been created. 1.2 Company Background Abercrombie and Fitch were founded in 1892 by David T Abercrombie and offered prestigious sporting and outdoor clothing for males and females. Today the company is an upmarket US fashion retailer striving to offer their consumers casual luxury to the 18-22 year old market segment. The company has over 300 stores in the US and is also situated in the UK, Japan, Canada and Italy. They also have ongoing plans to expand into other foreign markets such as Asia in the near future. Abercrombie Fitch have three subsidiary sister companies consisting of: Abercrombie: very similar to the main brand but for children aged 7-14 Hollister Co: for teenagers 14-18 offering lower priced products to Abercrombie Fitch but very similar in style Gilly Hicks: offering lounge wear, underwear and a body care range for people aged 18+. Abercrombie Fitch also had a subsidiary company called Ruehl No.925 which offered clothing products to the 25+ age segment, however the store closed at the beginning of 2010 as it did not take off. 2. External Analysis- PEST Factors Table 1: PEST 2.1 Political/Legal Import Duty: As Abercrombie Fitch manufacture their products within the USA and Asia, products that are imported into the UK accrue an import duty. Import duty is calculated on the type of goods, their value and the country of origin. (Business Link 2010) If the product is made up of 20% or more of parts from other countries then this has to be stated to the countries customs as this may affect the price of the import duty. Labelling: As Abercrombie Fitchs products are imported from the US to the UK the company needs to ensure that all their clothing products meet the UK labelling requirements stated in the Textile Products (Indication of Fibre Content) Regulations 1986, to ensure that they are in accordance with the law. Employment law: The UK has very strict employment laws against discrimination. Abercrombie Fitch were recently faced with a law suit in June 2009 when an employee was allegedly told that her prosthetic limb was not in accordance with the companies look policy. The employee aimed to sue the company for  £20,000 for discrimination against her disability. It is important for Abercrombie Fitch and their employees to be aware of UK legislations as high profile law suits could affect their image leading to bad publicity. 2.2 Economic The Recession: Although some reports may state that the recent recession may be drawing to an end, Abercrombie Fitchs latest Fiscal-fourth quarter earnings (Talley 2010) paint a different picture as they fell 31% (Talley 2010) due to the continuing decline in their sales. This is due to the company not being prepared to reduce their prices during the recession, forcing their customers to look for cheaper competitors (see Competitor Audit for detailed list of competitors). UK Pricing: Abercrombie Fitch are constantly striving to maintain and promote the prestige image they have successfully created in the US in the UK. However when the UK flagship store in London opened in 2007 the company was criticised for over pricing, as the products cost double those offered in the US stores. This could have had a major impact on the companys success in the UK. However, so far they have found that their consumers have had strong brand loyalty to them and have been willing to pay the price for the products. Although as mentioned above, the companys earnings have been affected by the recession. 2.3 Socio-Cultural Sexual Imagery: Over the years Abercrombie Fitch have been attacked about their sexually explicit advertising within their advertising campaigns and quarterly catalogue. It is against many different religions values and beliefs for example the Muslim religion to show sexual or naked imagery within advertisements. Therefore Abercrombie Fitch need to be aware of the different values and beliefs different communities and religions have in order not to offend anyone. Market research should be undertaken as to what the best form of advertising is for any new campaigns and to determine what type of imagery should be used. However in many westernised countries, shock advertising works well and this is what they use. The company strives to be different and stand out in any which way they can. Ageing Population: With increasing life expectancy and an aging population prominent across the world, it is unwise for Abercrombie Fitch to continue into their future just focusing on consumers aged 18-22. With the recent failure of their high end brand Ruehl No.925 which focused on consumers aged 25-35 a strategy to re-brand and reinvent Ruehl may be a wise decision for the company. 2.4 Technological Internet online purchasing: With the ever increasing popularity of the internet and consumer online purchasing, it has meant that Abercrombie Fitch have been able to advertise their products to consumers via their website and also allowing the consumer to purchase products, if they wish to, around the world. Online advertisement is an excellent way to catch a younger target audiences attention. Improvement of Transport: Transport has changed dramatically over the past 50years. Roads have improved and with many more flights take off each day from large airports, companies are seeing quicker delivery times for products that are sent by sea, road and air. This is good news for Abercrombie Fitch as their products are reaching consumers quicker. As the companys products spend a lot of time in transport, some of the manufactured goods are imported from Asia then dispatched around the world to their many stores. 3. External Analysis- Competitor Audit As Abercrombie Fitch are situated in many different global markets the following competitor audit will focus on Abercrombie Fitchs main competitors in the UK and the US. 3.1 US Competitors: 3.1.1 American Eagle Outfitters American Eagle Outfitters is Abercrombie Fitchs main competitor in the US. Like Abercrombie Fitch they target 18-22 year olds, offering young fashionable products to their consumers. They have a larger range of products than Abercrombie Fitch but are not seen to be as prestigious. Unlike Abercrombie Fitch, some consumers find the American Eagles shopping experience much more pleasant, as the music is quieter and there is more lighting. The company recently opened a store in the UK in London. 3.1.2 Aeropostele Aeropostele is cheaper than Abercrombie Fitch, however it is still seen as one of their main competitors as they target the same market segment. Like American Eagle they have a large range of clothing products and accessories for the male and female markey which Abercrombie Fitch do not offer. 3.2 UK Competitors: 3.2.1 Jack Wills Like Abercrombie Fitch Jack Wills target segment is 18-22 year olds. The company call themselves the University Outfitters and often situate their stores in University towns. Although Jack Wills call themselves this name under 18s are also found to be keen Jack Wills wearers. However the company do not have a strong market share in the UK as they are seen to offer, like Abercrombie Fitch specialised clothing. 3.2.2 Urban Outfitters Urban Outfitters offer branded clothing to a unique market. Unlike Abercrombie Fitch they offer edgy, different styled fashion products to their competitor, targeting the same age segment. Urban Outfitters is a very popular US company and is very up and coming in the UK in London. 3.2.3 Hollister Although Hollister is a sister company to Abercrombie Fitch, there seems to have been some inter-company competitiveness in the UK. Abercrombie Fitch have only one store in the UK situated in London whereas Hollister have ten stores situated around the country. Although in the US Hollister targets 14-18 year olds, many older people in the UK have been wearing the brand due to accessibility of the store, as travelling to London to purchase Abercrombie Fitch clothing is not an option for some people they choose to wear the next best thing which is clothing from Abercrombie Fitchs sister company Hollister. 4. SWOT Analysis 4.1 Strengths Strong portfolio of brands other than the main Abercrombie Fitch brand appealing to consumers aged 9- 24 Annual Abercrombie Fitch Challenge which raises money for charities and organisations, raising their profile Sponsor of the Elite Racing Team In 2007 offered $75,000 scholarships to the National Society of High School Scholars Expansion plans in Canada, Europe and Asia The ability to capture 18-22 year olds attention and condition them into wanting the brands products In 2007 the company had a 2.3% market share of the US clothing retail market which put them at 3rd largest market share. In 2008 Abercrombie Fitch started modifying and upgrading their information systems 4.2 Weaknesses Money being lost to counterfeit products Company portrays a sexual image, this is not acceptable in some countries and societies Look Policy often seen to be too strict by employees With the recent closure of Ruehl No.925 there is no longer an Abercrombie store that appeals to consumers aged 25+ Expensive prices in the UK compared to US Many law suits have been seen due to Discrimination Many of the loyal customers feel that too many people are now wearing the brand and it is starting to lose its prestigious image The recent upgrading and modification on information systems within the business is a long process and could affect day to day running of the business 4.3 Opportunities Celebrity endorsements Increase brand awareness New range of products for pre 9 year olds Reinvent Ruehl No.925 and recapture the 25+ market segment Increase market share Increase sales outside of the two main selling seasons of August and November/December Completely new product launch Female jewellery Recapture prestigious image with new range Larger sizes Male and female watches Introduce real looking models (models sized UK 12+) as it is not how the clothes look on the individual, it is how they make the individual feel In store music album available to purchase Change shopping experience to include, more lighting, quieter music, clothes more readily available Completely rebrand company image from casual to smart wear e.g. suits Expansion into Eastern Europe 4.4 Threats Threat of substitution due to high prices Import taxes may rise Piracy in foreign waters, potential threat of loss of stock Economical/political change in countries in which Abercrombie Fitch operate Law suits against company for example acts of discrimination Exchange rates could affect companies profitability Change in fashion trends The availability and price of raw materials could affect the cost of manufacturing Due to global warming unforeseeable weather changes could affect consumer preference on products 5. SWOT to TOWS Table 3: SWOT to TOWS Internal elements External elements Organisational Strengths Organisational Weaknesses Strategic Options Environmental Opportunities (and risks) Strengths into opportunities: Strong portfolio of brands other than the main Abercrombie Fitch brand appealing to consumers aged 9-24. Therefore Abercrombie Fitch have the brand power to be able to introduce other product ranges into the existing markets Annual Abercrombie Fitch Challenge which raises money for charities and organisations. The Annual challenge could be made bigger, therefore raising more money for charities. The Annual event could even be brought into other countries in which the company are present to raise money for their charities Sponsor of the Elite Racing Team, this is not widely known that they sponsor the team. Therefore awareness could be increased thus enhancing brand awareness of the company In 2007 offered $75,000 scholarships to the National Society of High School Scholars. Scholarships could also be offered in other countries in which the company are present in to similar schools Expansion plans in Canada, Europe and Asia means that profits are to increase as well as brand awareness The ability to capture 18-22 year olds attention and condition them into wanting the brands products. Abercrombie Fitch have the ability to condition their customers into needing their products, therefore if a limited edition range of products were to be realised, consumer would respond to this well In 2007 the company had a 2.3% market share of the US clothing retail market, thus making them the 3rd largest market share in the US. Having the 3rd largest market share in the US gives the company the opportunity to strive to have the second largest or even beat the Gap and have the largest market share. Abercrombie Fitch should also look to increase their UK market share as currently they are not seen to be strong competition to UK brands In 2008 Abercrombie Fitch started modifying and upgrading their information systems. This therefore means that the company will soon have stronger information systems thus meaning smoother and easier running of the company Weakness into opportunities: Money being lost to counterfeit products. Abercrombie need to ensure that all products have copyright and anyone who counterfeits their products have a law suit brought upon them Company portrays a sexual image, this is not acceptable in some countries and societies, therefore Abercrombie could look towards toning down the sexual imagery within countries and societies that find this offensive Look Policy often seen to be too strict by employees. The company should therefore hold in store meetings to gather information as to what the employees find strict about the policy, then this should be raised in the Annual conference With the recent closure of Ruehl No.925 there is no longer an Abercrombie store that appeals to consumers aged 25+. Therefore information by the means of market research should be gathered from consumers as why they felt the brand failed. As well as information from store staff and stakeholders. The company could then formulate strategies to rebrand Ruehl No.925 thus penetrating the 25+ age market once again Expensive prices in the UK compared to US. Consumers are currently prepared to pay the higher prices that are at present in the UK, if the situation changes then the company should investigate the price of importing the clothes into the UK against the price they are charging and the profit that is being made. If profit is high then the company could look towards lowering their UK prices Many law suits have been seen due to discrimination. Increased awareness should be made about discrimination within the work place and more minority groups should also be introduced into the company. Many of the loyal customers feel that too many people are now wearing the brand and it is starting to lose its prestigious image. Therefore a new prestigious range could be introduced to encourage said consumers back to the brand Environmental Threats Strengths used to minimise threats: Threat of substitution due to high prices. However one of Abercrombie Fitchs strengths is that they have the ability to catch their target audiences attention and make the consumers feel they need the products Import taxes may rise. However the company are constantly expanding therefore profits should rise thus meaning if import taxes should rise it should not affect the company substantially Change in fashion trends. As Abercrombie Fitch have a strong market share within the US, it would be wise to assume that they have an excellent team of fashion forecasters that would be able to foresee this potential threat. This strength can also be used for the threat of, due to global warming unforeseeable weather changes could affect consumer preference of products Strategies to deal with weaknesses and threats: Competitive pricing should be brought in to reduce the threat of substitution due to high prices Import taxes may rise. As mentioned in the previous box, if import taxes do rise then the company should be okay as they are continuing to expand thus increasing profits, which overall should even out the rise of import tax if it should occur Law suits against company. Abercrombie Fitch need to ensure that the company is always running professionally to ensure that further law suits do not arise Exchange rates could affect companys profitability. The company need to be constantly aware of exchange rates and understand that stock being sold in an unstable political and economical market could lose value The availability and price of raw materials could affect the cost of manufacturing. Therefore Abercrombie Fitch need to ensure they are obtaining their raw materials at the best price available 6. Porters Generic Strategies Diagram 1: Abercrombie Fitch and Porters Generic Strategies Abercrombie Fitch now Focus Abercrombie Fitch for the future Middle of the Road Differentiation Cost Leadership Porter (1980) identified four types of generic strategies for a company to be competitively successful. The four strategies consisted of Cost Leadership, Focus, Differentiation and Middle of the Road. Abercrombie Fitch are currently using the generic strategy of Focus as they have a small range of clothing products focused on a specific market segment of 18-22 year olds. For the future the company should aim to move not entirely away from focus but slightly towards Differentiation, thus enhancing their products durability and perception 7. Ansoff Matrix Table 4: Abercrombie Fitch Ansoff Matrix Current Products New Products Current Market Male and Female : clothing swimwear belts rubber flip flops leather flip flops Female: classic scarves handbags signature totes signature scents, 8, Classic, 41 (perfume) and Wakely Male: boxer shorts underwear necklaces bracelets signature scents, Fierce, 41 (cologne) and Colden Womens jewellery Male and Female watches Music C.D of in store music A range of male and female winter shoes Bags for males Pyjamas New Market Expansion into foreign market for example Eastern Europe Abercrombie Fitch catalogue in which products can be ordered similar to Next Directory or Littlewoods catalogue Products available in large department stores within the UK for example John Lewis, House of Frasier, Selfridges and Harrods. A range of smart male and female clothing products Hair care products Abercrombie Fitch bottled water Surf boards Male and female clothing for age group 25+ Larger sizes 8. SMART Objectives Abercrombie Fitchs SMART objectives run over the limited period from 2010-2013. In the world of Beauty and Fashion 3-6months would be considered a shot term objective. 12-25 months a medium objective and 36+ months a long term objective. This is a very different time frame to other types of businesses, as fashion and beauty trends move very quickly, usually with the seasons. Therefore companies such as Abercrombie Fitch need to be thinking quickly about fashion changes. The following SMART objectives are listed in hierarchy, with the first objective being the objective that Abercrombie Fitch should definitely consider proceeding with if they had to choose one. Given the present economic climate, it may be in Abercrombie Fitchs best interest to wait until the end of the recession is completely in sight before producing any new products as bringing out a new product is a high risk. SMART Objective Target Segment Risk 1) Introduce a range of womens jewellery complementary to the companies style of casual luxury, consisting of 15 pieces by 1st November 2010 Women aged 18-22, educated, with reasonably comfortable income Medium Risk 2) Launch a new prestigious clothing range to re-capture higher end income consumers by 1st may 2011 Men and Women aged 18-22, educated, with high income Low Risk 3) Trail introduction of larger UK womens sizes 12-16 for clothing products in London flagship store by 1st March 2013 Women aged 18-22, educated, with reasonably comfortable income, that could not shop at the store before due to the size Large actually being the equivalent to a UK 10 High Risk If objective 3 is successful then 4) Trial introduction of integration of 2 real models within advertisements and in store staff within London flagship store by 12th June 2013 Men and Women aged 18-22, educated, with reasonably comfortable income. The advertisements and new models will aim to attract real size women in the UK sizes 12-16 High Risk 9. Strategic Plan, Implementation Measurement of SMART Objectives 9.1 SMART Objective 1 SMART Objective Porters Strategy Market Segment/ Ansoff 1) Introduce a range of womens jewellery complimentary to the companys style of casual luxury, consisting of 15 pieces by 1st November 2010 Between Focus and Differentiation Women aged 18-22, educated, with reasonably comfortable income. New Product/Current Market Product The jewellery will be in the companies style of casual luxury, items such as beaded bracelets, necklaces and earrings will be designed in accordance with market research results and offered to consumers in store and online Price Market Skimming Strategy high price offered and only gradually lowered Place Products will be available in all Abercrombie Fitch Flag ship stores around the world and on website. If successful will be brought into all other stores Promotion Direct Marketing- television adverts, magazine advertisements, in store advertisement. Celebrity endorsement Physical Evidence The Abercrombie Fitch logo of the Moose will remain present Process Products will be sent from the manufactures to Head office then distributed to the Flag Ship stores around the world People Abercrombie Fitch already make male jewellery, therefore a female specialist will be employed and work alongside the male specialist in order to create male and female jewellery products that work in harmony Measurement Small targets should be set in order to ensure the successful completion of the Objective. As the objective is short term, monthly meetings should also take place to ensure targets are being met. 9.2 SMART Objective 2 SMART Objective Porters Strategy Market Segment/ Ansoff 2) Launch a new prestigious male and female clothing range to re-capture higher end income consumers by 1st may 2011 Focus Men and Women aged 18-22, educated, with high income New Product/ New Market Product A range of male and female clothes aimed at recapturing the wealthier consumers offering them a prestigious brand once again. Once market research has be undertaken then this will determine the types of clothing products needed. Price Pricing to reflect product differentiation- price will be higher than the standard brands products Place Products will first be launched in the flag ship stores around the world and then brought into all other stores if found to be successful Promotion Direct Marketing- television advertisements, magazine advertisements, in store advertisement. Celebrity endorsement Physical Evidence The Abercrombie Fitch logo of the Moose will remain present Process Products will be sent from the manufactures to Head office then distributed to the Flag Ship stores around the world People Ruehl No.925 employees will be interviewed and asked why they feel the brand failed. Constructive criticism will be taken away and applied to making the new prestigious range successful. A person with strong knowledge of prestige brands and turn around strategies would be useful Measurement Once market research has been undertaken a target should be set as to when the first designs will be available for viewing. Then more targets set as to when the collection will be finished. Monthly meetings should be undertaken to ensure that targets are being met and to run through any problems that may arise that could affect the objective being met on time. 9.3 SMART Objective 3 SMART Objective Porters Strategy Market Segment/ Ansoff 3) Trail introduction of larger UK womens sizes 12-16 for clothing products in London flagship store by 1st March 2013 Between Focus and Differentiation Women aged 18-22, educated, with reasonably comfortable income, that could not shop at the store before due to the size Large actually being the equivalent to a UK 10 New Product/ New Market Product As well as the usual 0-10 UK womens clothing sizes being produced the company will also introduce sizes 12-16. These sizes are the most common female sizes in the UK and should be greatly accepted Price Market Skimming- high price offered and only gradually lowered Place The new sizes will be introduced into the UKs London flagship store. If found to be successful then new objectives will be set for the introduction of the sizes across the world Promotion Small in store advertisements within UK London flag ship store Physical Evidence The Abercrombie Fitch logo of the Moose will remain present Process Products will be manufactured then distributed straight to UK flag ship store in order to cut out the middle man (The US head office) Products will have to be checked in order to ensure that they are 100% before retailing People Someone with strong knowledge on female sizing in the UK Measurement Targets set and meeting undertaken to ensure that procedures are running smoothly to meeting the objective. In the first year 4 meetings will take place and then one every month in the years to follow until the object end date 9.4 SMART Objective 4 SMART Objective Porters Strategy Market Segment/ Ansoff 4) Trial introduction of integration of 2 real models within advertisements and in store staff within London flagship store by 12th June 2013 Between Focus and Differentiation Men and Women aged 18-22, educated, with reasonably comfortable income. The advertisements and new models will aim to attract real size women in the UK sizes 12-16 New Product/ New Market Product Introduction of real size models sizes 12+ within companies Marketing/Advertising campaigns and in store staff Price Price will be based on price of advertising campaign and cost of new in store staff Place Advertisements with real size models will be trialled in the UKs London flagship store. Real size models will also be hired alongside the skinny in store staff Promotion Large advertisements including real size models within direct marketing such as, magazines, television advertisements, internet and in store. As well as London buses Physical Evidence The Abercrombie Fitch logo of the Moose will remain present Process real size models casted for advertisement and for in store staff People Someone who can sympathise with the fact that clothes should not be about what you look like in them, but how you feel in them. And understand that not everyone is a size 0 model. Bring realism to the company Measurement Small targets should be set in order to ensure the successful completion of the Objective. As the objective is long term, 4 meetings will take place in the 1st year and then monthly meetings will take place in the second and thrid year to ensure targets are being met. 10. Conclusion In conclusion after considering Abercrombie Fitchs external environment as well as Porters Generic strategies and Ansoff Matrix, four SMART Objectives have been formulated and a Strategic Plan, Implementation Measurement of each SMART Objective has also been created. If Abercrombie Fitch should decide to implement any of the SMART Objectives suggested in the near future, then the current external environment should be examined as different situations may have arisen.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

An Interpretation of E.E. Cummings Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town E

An Interpretation of E.E. Cummings' Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town E.E. Cummings (1894-1962) is an American Poet whose works are some of the harder ones to understand. That's what Cummings is known for, his typography, language, punctuation, and his use of capital letters to give words special meanings. It has been stated that he has his own language known as Cummingsian. Cummings has done a lot of experimentation with language along with other poets during the Modernist era. Not only was Cummings an artistic writer and poet but he was an accomplished painter as well. Born in Cambridge Massachusetts, Cummings was a graduate of Harvard (1915) and was a volunteer ambulance driver in WWI. The French made him a prisoner of war and placed him in a detention camp for six months. This experience inspired his book "The Enormous Room," which was considered one of the finest books written on WWI. Before I go right into the analysis of the poem "anyone lived in a pretty how town" by Cummings, I felt it important to have a brief history about him. Not just history of him as a pers...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Medicine an Elusive, Tempestuous Creature :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

Admissions Essay - Medicine an Elusive, Tempestuous Creature    We shall not cease from exploration/ And the end of our exploring Will be to arrive where we started/ And know the place for the first time T.S. Elliot Four Quartets Medicine has proven to be an elusive, tempestuous creature. It has appeared to me in visions nightmarish and calm, despairing and joyous. My pursuit has been an odyssey, taking me farther into my heart than I ever dreamed possible. However, before I could even begin to approach the emotional, physical and Intellectual demands of a physician's life, I had to gain a better understanding of myself, my identity and beliefs. Only with this stronger sense of self have I felt the confidence to give my best and my all, and to make my contribution to society.    My first in-depth exposure to medicine was as a high school Intern at the Children's Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) In San Francisco. It was a disturbing, If fascinating, Introduction to oncology. I witnessed a holocaust from within --pain, fear and horror in patients my own age and younger. The Internship compelled me to reconsider my commitment to medicine, and persuaded me to resolve my feelings about death and dying and perhaps investigate other careers. At the same time, the patients so inspired me, and I felt so glad to be alive after I left CCRI, that I could never really forget. It became an image seared into my memory, a standard by which I judged all other experience.    In college, opportunities for travel and exploration beckoned me away from medicine. I researched and wrote about America's heartland and the California coastline for Let's Go: USA. My interest in Americana led to an Internship at Common Cause In Washington DC, where I organized citizens' lobbying efforts. I found Journalism and law pleasant diversions, but under no circumstances would I wish to remain. Though extremely worthy professions, they did not suit my particular tastes. Nonetheless, they did give me a firm grasp of my stand on political and social Issues, and further piqued my Interest in travel and exploration.    During my junior year in England, I did some serious introspection. My British friends, though in a friendly manner, challenged my most basic assumptions, and by doing so, challenged me. Everything, from the way I held my dinner fork to my egalitarianism, was fair game.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Reigniting Your Passion for God Essay

The creative force behind all great art, all great drama, all great music, all great architecture and all great writing is passion. Nothing great is ever accomplished in life without passion. Nothing great is ever sustained in life without passion. Passion is what energizes life. Passion makes the impossible possible. Passion gives you a reason to get up in the morning and go and say, â€Å"I’m going to do something with my life today.† Without passion life becomes boring. It becomes monotonous. It becomes routine. It becomes dull. God created you with the emotions to have passion in your life and He wants you to live a passionate life for Him. Passion is what mobilizes armies into action. Passion is what causes explorers to boldly go where no man’s gone before. Passion is what causes scientists to spend late night hours trying to find the cure to a dreaded disease. Passion is what takes a good athlete and turns him or her into a great athlete where they’r e breaking records. You’ve got to have passion in your life. One day a man walks up to Jesus and he says, â€Å"Lord, what’s the most important thing in the Bible?† And you know what the Great Commandment is. We’ve talked about it many times. Jesus said, â€Å"I want you to love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength. Nothing matters more than that. That’s the number one thing in life. I want you to love Me passionately.† Nothing else matters in life if you don’t love God with passion. God doesn’t want you to love Him half-heartedly. He wants you to love Him with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength. I love the paraphrase of that verse, Mark 11:30, from The Message â€Å"Jesus said, ’Love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.† Circle the word â€Å"passion†. That word, in Greek, is the word â€Å"heart.† God is saying I want you to put some muscle into it, put some energy, put some emotion into your relationship with Me. Don’t be a wimp about your relationship with Me. Don’t be namby-pamby. Don’t be half-hearted. Give it all you’ve got. Jesus is saying, â€Å"If you’re going to follow Me, you’ve got to go it with passion. You’ve got to give it some oomph, some spark, some zip, some enthusiasm, some zest. In other words I want you to live your life with me passionately.† In fact, this truth is all through the Bible. The Bible tells us that we’re to seek God passionately. We’re to love God passionately. The Bible says that we’re to serve and obey God passionately. We’re to trust God passionately. Then as if you didn’t get the message, in Colossians 3:23 He says â€Å"Whatever you do, do it with all of your heart as unto the Lord and not unto men.† He says I want you to do everything passionately when it comes to loving Me, serving Me, living for Me. Here’s the amazing thing. In America it’s ok to be passionate about anything except God. That is not politically correct — to be passionate about God. I can be passionate about movies. I can be passionate about sports. I can be passionate about politics. I can be passionate about fashions and clothes. I can be passionate about restaurants. But I cannot be passionate about God. That’s a no-no. I typed in the phrase â€Å"a passion for†¦Ã¢â‚¬  into and found a couple hundred books with that title. There’s a book call A Passion for Birds, A Passion for Books, A Passion for Cactus, A Passion for Chocolate (that’s understandable), A Passion for Fashion, †¦ for Fishing†¦ for Flying, †¦ for Gardening, †¦ Golf, Hunting. There’s even a book called A Passion For Mushrooms. A Passion for Needlepoint, Pasta, Ponies. There’s a book called, A Passion for Potatoes, for Roses, for Shoes. There’s even a book called A Passion for Steam. I can’t figure out what that one’s all about! I don’t know why you’d get passionate about steam. But in our culture today it’s ok to be passionate about anything except your religion, except your faith, except your relationship with God. I can go to a concert, or a political rally or a baseball game and I can shout my head off. I can get excited. I can get hoarse from yelling so loud. When my team loses I could cry. Nobody thinks that’s a big deal. When my team wins I can jump up and dance around and wave my hands in the air. If I do that at a game people go, â€Å"He’s a real fan!† But if I do that in church people say, â€Å"He’s a fanatic! He’s a nut case.† You don’t want to get too emotional about your faith. Its ok about anything else but not that. Romans 12:1 â€Å"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor.† Keep the fires going in your life. Circle the word â€Å"keep.† Notice, it’s not automatic. It’s a choice. It’s a discipline. It’s something you must maintain. You are not by nature passionate about God. It’s something that you must choose to do. You get distracted and everything in life conspires to keep you from being passionate about God. So He says keep your passion going. Keep the fires going. It’s a discipline. It’s not just automatic. This kind of thing — being passionate about God has nothing to do with either your personality or your age. Our churches are filled with hundreds if not thousands of senior believers who have walked with God a long, long time and are still passionate. But everything in life conspires to keep you from being passionate. And it dissipates your energy. When you first become a believer and you really understand what a good deal you’ve got you get excited about it, â€Å"This is quite a big deal! All my sins were forgiven. I now have a purpose for living, and I now have a future home in heaven. What a deal! And you get excited about that when you give your life to Christ and you’re pretty passionate. But as time goes by you begin to lose your steam. You begin to lose your zip, your zest, your enthusiasm. What happened? Why does that happen? That’s what we’re going to look at today. As we go through God’s word we’re going to look at seven passion killers, things that rob the joy out of your life. I thought this would be a very appropriate message, right in the middle of winter, when nobody feels very passionate about much of anything. You want the warmth of summer back. So this morning we’re going to look at these passion killers together. I want you to use it as a checklist. Because God says, I want you to love Me with all of your heart.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Importance Through The Theories Of Critical Thinking Education Essay

As the consequence of the great advancement in scientific discipline particularly, the pure and applied scientific discipline and modern engineering, there is necessity to learn the accomplishments of critical thought in our schools so, the research will discourse the definition, the importance through the theories of critical thought. I will seek to speak about to what extent the hinderances of using the accomplishments of critical thought in Egypt and how to get the better of these jobs. The research will offer how can we appreciate the value of critical thought and how can we use some accomplishments to do usage of its benefits. Critical thought means the ability of favoritism between premises and generalisations or between facts and claims or revised and unrevised cognition.Critical thought forms the mental procedures and the schemes and the represents which people use in work outing jobs and in doing determination and larning new constructs. Critical thought is the ability to measure the cogency, value and pureness of things that may be information or mathematical amount ; this means critical thought is really accurate and nonsubjective. In other words it is the ability to give judgement merely in instance of finishing groundss, besides it is measuring harmonizing to exact standards. It is a mental procedure which includes a group of believing accomplishments that can be used separately or corporate. There are some accomplishments that can be as indexs for critical thought for illustration, favoritism between facts which can be proved and doing certain of its cogency and ego premises. The ability to distin guish between information and causes which related or do non related to the affair.Identifying the cogency the cognition beginning. Recognize the premise and enigmas statements.Identifying the premises which are unseeable or that are involved in the text. Investigating the prejudice or the bias.Realizing the logic fallacies.Realising the contrast or incompatibility in the logical thinking procedure.Identifying the power of cogent evidence and the claim. The critical thought has become really necessary for fixing citizens who will confront a batch of challenges next ages. Sometimes some people see the critical thought in instruction non of import. They can non understand that the pure and applied scientific disciplines for the people in recent universe gift and necessitate critical thought. It is really of import for the instructors to recognize this fact and they should make their best to learn it for the students from their early ages.There is a strong relationship between the justice on the instructors and if they have the quality of critical thought. It is required these yearss to increase the accomplishments of crititical thought for the instructors during their preparing in establishments and university. To grantee the improving of educational results, it is really of import for the instructors to utilize the theoretical accounts of divergent believing during their lessons to take their students to believe critically.To my head , I think the instructors who use the manners of divergent thought is better than those who use the theoretical accounts of coverage and retrieving in their instruction.In educational procedure when the address of the instructors including higher cognitive procedures, the students, public presentation will be better in the trials of critical believing.The critical thought happens when the students form the significance, they will hold to explicate, analyse and treat the information towards the jobs so, the individual should capture the undermentioned qualities to get the accomplishments of critical thought for illustration, the accomplishments of concentration, roll uping informations, memory, forming, analysis, production and the integrating. Teaching the accomplishments of critical thought in course of study help the students to take part strongly in the procedures of analysis and doing premises and the activities of work outing jobs. The accomplishment of critical thought involve s seven abilities, they are, Mathematical, Verbal, Spatial, Kinetic, Musical, intrapersonal and societal. Critical thought means the ability to reflect judgement about what to believe. It is good believing about the antonym of unlogical ; irrational thought. Critical thought is a portion of originative thought. Peoples who think critically are normally in demand to show about their observation, experience, verbal or written looks or statements. They have ability to believe clearly and rationally. It is a sort of independence in believing which leads to work out jobs. It is non necessary for students who think critically to hold good memories and know tonss of facts are good at critical believing.Critical minds are able to infer effects through what they know and they are able to use and do use the different information to work out jobs and to seek relevant beginnings of information to inform themselves. As I mentioned before the accomplishment of critical thought demands stimulation and motive to promote students to believe critically-to my mind-that can be achieved through good course of studies, fit environment inside and outside school, adept instructors, modern engineering in instruction, doing usage of theories and educational researches and valuable methodological analysis.Let ‘s analyze these elements of success through the educational procedure in Schools in Egypt and how we can use the accomplishments of critical thought in our schools but foremost there is an of import inquiry, what are the hinderances that block the accomplishments of critical thought in our schools. First of all there are two ways of instruction that are applied in our schools the first 1 is what to believe, the 2nd 1 is how to believe so, the instructors who teach pupils what to believe they -in this way-stop the accomplishment of critical thought because they merely trade with the first mental ability that is aa‚ ¬ † harmonizing to Bloom ‘s Taxonomy-knowledge, in other words they merely cover with the accomplishments of memory and memorizing. Students in this manner are deprived from the high order undertakings that can take them to higher abilities in Bloom ‘s Taxonomy such as, comprehension, application, analysis and synthesis. These last phases of thought can take students to believe critically that is because the purposes, activities, exercisings and Methods that can take to construing, depicting, forming, application, analysis will take to believe critically so work outing jobs eventually creativeness that is our award. We need to set up a sort of independence in believing which lead to work out jobs. There is a fact that is non necessary for students who think critically to hold a good memories and cognize a batch of facts are good minds and this is good index for the instructors to assist most pupils to believe in a critic manner because critical minds are able to infer effects through what they know and they are able to use and do usage of information to work out jobs and to seek the relevant beginnings of information to inform themselves. One of the most hard jobs that challenge using accomplishments of critical thought in Egypt that is the great attending in educational procedure centered around the concluding trials and how all the responsible in instruction system even parents prepare for the concluding tests about since the first twenty-four hours of school or before the get downing the school twelvemonth.The merely standards of the success is merely Markss and tonss in the concluding tests even the judgement of intelligence and the gifted by the consequence of the tests. Imagine that the most attempts how to retrieve exact information to reply merely in the test as the consequence the information may be evaporated easly.Although the trials are really of import as they reflect and evaluate the public presentation in educational procedure, there are besides other activities that can better students, believing accomplishments. As a remark for this point instructors can use inquiries that enable students to believe. For illustration in Science, it is non necessary for the students to state the same stairss for particular experiment they may be asked if they can make it in another manner and that is I meant- by stating before, – what to believe aa‚ ¬ † how to believe, in this manner pupils will habituate to the peculiar types of inquiries that can take to believe critically. Another of import point that may steal opportunities the accomplishments of critical thought that is the time- the period -of the lesson. If there is no adequate clip to give students infinites to believe, it will be difficult to cover with complex mental processes accordingly, the students may non bring forth different critical thoughts.Although there are sufficient instructors and superb pupils in Egypt, forming the clip and its limited impose either instructors and pupils concentrate merely on basic cognition in course of study so, the Ministry Of Education in Egypt has taken some determinations to better different accomplishments for illustration, constructing particular categories for who are gifted, increasing topics, extra trials, different competions, higher Markss for the pupils who have ability to believe good, different exhibitions for pupils who can present new thoughts, nines for sience, awards, flushing categories and jubilations for who progressed. As these antic stair ss for promoting students to make their best, there is a shade is called concluding test that can interrupt old attempts for illustration, a batch of pupils who portion in some extra activities sometimes they do non go on because they feel that they will lose their lessons, they and their parents think their extra reading may blow clip they must salvage for the test. Although the Ministry Of Education launched a batch of educational channels working twenty four hours besides a batch of web sites on the cyberspace, in Egypt there nil can replace the instructors, accounts. One of the most of import things that can develop creativeness and the accomplishments of critical Thinking is the course of studies. If the course of studies are designed to show critical and recent instances and applied fit conditions for good affairs that will assist pupils to believe in critic manner. In Egypt now there is a great spring in planing course of studies, they have become more stronger than the past, particularly the authorities provided schools with different modern engineering for case, there are a batch of computing machines, labs, Media suites and different educational devices all these tech. to function course of studies but the job that can blockade critical thought although the course of studies give opportunities to scope pupils ‘ head, most pupils barely to read another sorts of books except school books that is because most of them study two periods a twenty-four hours about from eight Os, clock in the forenoon to seven in the eventide may more than this so, there is no adequate clip to read more.I think the period of semesters are excessively long for the students to experience aroused for reading.To solve this job, there is an exciting plan in Egypt is called reading for all this plan is held each twelvemonth in summer and there are books in all Fieldss of cognition, the books sometimes free or in really inexpensive monetary values but the kids prefer to bask providing and merriment because they have merely small clip to play and hold merriment. Another serious instance the velocity development in engineering affected on two ways, the first 1 is the pupils sit in forepart of computing machines and use the different sets to play, chew the fating, listening to music and watching films for a long clip though the utilizing of these engineering is really good to develop the accomplishments of believing by and large, it can besides blockade their surveies. The 2nd consequence is for parents to acquire these engineerings, it is much cost that leads them to work more than usual consequently parents remain long clip outside houses so, kids miss of import beginning of information that lead them sometimes to depend on their bound experience in their survey or inquire person else who may be useless. In this manner most students can non better their critical side. One of exciting factors that can blockade creativeness in instruction is poverty, there are a batch of gifted and intelligent students have to work or make non complete their surveies because of money, these students might hold been great people in the hereafter if they had completed their surveies.Malnutrition is playing a function in lessen the ability of believing.Pollution besides affects negatively on thinking-scientists said that-heavy and poison constituents that resulted in pollution surround the encephalon and organize a bed that causes a sort of mental disability.Niosy plays a function in dispersion thought, the schools and houses that are located in crowded topographic points suffer from noisy and the students can non concentrate good. Teachers and parents must aware of the importance of critical thought and they must recognize why they have to promote the critical thought and what the grounds that can do them make their best to get the better of the old jobs. Critical thought is of import in widening the statements in different instances, to bring forth the students thoughts.Critical thought enables students to work hand in glove particularly in concluding and constructive undertakings. It helps students to get cognition, better their ain apprehension. It enhances educational procedures. It helps in work outing jobs. It is really of import in the new cognition. It enables students to cover with alterations rapidly and efficaciously. It makes students, are flexible. It acquires students ‘ rational accomplishments and ability to analyse recent information. It improves and supports linguistic communication and the presentation accomplishments. It improves the manner of students, treatment and look particularly their express about their thoughts. It improves abilities of comprehension. It helps students to analyse the texts logically. It leads to creativeness, it is non indispensable to acquire new thoughts but to measure these thoughts and how to choose the best 1s peculiarly which related to the undertaking at manus.Critical thought is really of import factor to warrant and reflect our values and determinations. It enables students to use it in day-to-day life.It enables students to be self rating. It makes students have careful contemplations on the good principals of concluding and do a witting attempt to internalise them. It is an of import tool that can take to meta-cognition and Meta- thought accomplishments. The inquiry now is what deduction for learning, in the research, I will seek to concentrate on the of import accomplishments that fit our educational system and suited for the jobs that mentioned before, the first 1 is implicating the critical reading, in this method, the best tow methods that enable us to promote critical reading is to including use Media in the category for illustration, newspapers, , magazines and advertisement these things can assist pupils to develop the accomplishment of critical hearing and reading. The 2nd one is literature aa‚ ¬ † it is said- the most powerful tool for learning thought that is because it gives the students opportunities than any other portion in course of study in measuring the thoughts, values and ethical inquiries, it makes the students interact with the book. The 2nd accomplishment is composing, The best method is to show in two stairss, the first is called, first-order and second-order thought, in the first method, it is a sort of free authorship, unplanned and free association type of heuristic authorship that is for assisting students to detect which subject they think. One of the benefits of this method, it makes students produce interior constructs. The 2nd order is really necessary that followup of free composing to give them opportunities for logic and control. The 3rd measure is classification games.It is really of import because it helps students to believe logically and understand abstract constructs.This accomplishment requires the designation for properties and maintaining into signifiers that is harmonizing to specific regulations. Classify concrete objects is an appropriate activity for kids besides the verbal analogies are fit to a scholar of any age. Application to a broad assortment of environmental objects must be followed. Actually it is really appropriate to the particular topics like Math, scientific discipline and enquiry attack to science but it is rather difficult to use in capa ble like societal surveies. One of the most effectual attacks in learning critical thought is the attack of encephalon storming particularly it will assist the students to entree their anterior cognition about the subject they read so, classify and retain the new information. There are several accomplishments that instructors and parents should make to back up students to be critical minds. The students should understand the logical connexions between thoughts.They should place, concept and evaluate statements. They should observe consistences and common errors in concluding. They should work out jobs consistently. They should place the relevancy and importance of the thoughts. They should be able to reflect on justification of one ‘s ain beliefs and value, Finally, learning accomplishments of critical thought in our schools has become necessary. To dispute the rapid development in our modern universe, students should be rich in critical thought. As the essay offers the definition of critical thought, there are a batch of mental procedures that depend on how to scope heads of students. Teachers should hold the accomplishment of critical thought to be able to better the pupilsaa‚ ¬a„? abilities to believe logically. It is argued that there are a batch of jobs that face the application of critical thought.Researches should happen more solutions and new schemes to installation learning critical thought because it is the manner to creativeness. Creativity that we need to bring forth coevalss, they will be able to get by with the civilsations, struggle.